Saturday 22 October 2011

6 Superfoods Revealed - Secret Keys to Good Nutrition & Eating Healthy That Your Body Needs

!±8± 6 Superfoods Revealed - Secret Keys to Good Nutrition & Eating Healthy That Your Body Needs

Daily Quote: "Perfect health is above gold; a sound body before riches." - Solomon

I'd like to share with you some secret keys to good nutrition and some tips to eating healthy. Are you ready for some practical insider information on what the best whole food nutritional supplements are?

Before I reveal these 6 superfoods , I need to say that you should NOT be buying processed, synthetic, man-made vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements. Most of these products are now being made by drug companies, and most of them are being made in foreign countries like China. The main reason that you shouldn't be buying them is that they are "synthetic" man-made chemical copies of what is found naturally in nature. In other words, most of them have been chemically produced in a pharmaceutical laboratory and are not made from the natural food sources found in nature.

This is a huge problem because your body cannot effectively utilize these "synthetic" man-made versions of vitamins and minerals. In fact, many of them are not even recognized by your body as vitamins and minerals, and they are therefore rejected by your body as toxins, which is what they really are. If you are loading up every day on "synthetic" chemically-based man-made vitamins and minerals, you are actually weakening your body with chemicals that are often toxic to your system and are not able to be recognized or utilized by your body. I encourage you to stop buying these man-made products.

The best source for natural vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants, and phytonutrients is from live whole foods. In other words, eat an apple and some watermelon. Get your nutrition from real live fresh organic whole foods such as vegetables, greens, fruits, berries, grains, seeds, nuts, legumes and beans. These foods are loaded with vitamins and minerals and hundreds of other important nutrients.

In addition to eating these whole foods, you can also juice your vegetables and fruits in order to get a concentrated amount of natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. However, this must be done in moderation because you don't want to overload your system with too much natural sugar found in fruits. The down side to juicing is that many people find it just too inconvenient due to the cleaning up process. People often buy a juicer and use it for several weeks or months, but soon they stop using it because it is just too much work to buy all the fresh produce, wash it, juice it, and clean up the mess afterwards day after day.

There is another "next best alternative" source for getting your natural vitamins and minerals called live whole food nutritional supplements. What does that mean? Simply put, it means that they take the fresh live organic fruits and berries, greens and vegetables, and they pick them at their peak of ripeness and nutritional value, and turn them into a juice. Then they dry the juice using a low-heat dehydration process that preserves the nutrients without preservatives. The final product is a natural powder that you simply mix with water (rehydrate) and drink. In this way you're able to get the full nutritional value of all of that fresh live organic whole food produce, including all of the natural occurring vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, and hundreds of other nutrivitve compounds.

Here is a brief, condensed list of some of the very best natural whole food nutritional supplements that you can (and should) be putting in your body every day. These foods are often referred to as "superfoods" because they are loaded with powerful nutritional compounds that are so good for your body's health, vitality, and longevity.

1. Drink a top-quality organic dehydrated live whole food "GREEN DRINK" every day.

These should come in a powdered dehydrated form that you simply mix with water and drink. Never buy a green drink or superjuice that is in a liquid form because it has been pasteurized (which kills many of the living nutrients) and because it has had unhealthy preservatives added to it to keep it from going moldy. Always look for a dry dehydrated powder form that you mix with water.

"The Feast." Believe it or not, my small kids even love it and demand it every morning. If you would like to learn more about this amazing green drink, you can find information on it at the following website.

2. Drink some Bragg's Organic APPLE CIDER VINEGAR every morning.

In 400 B.C., Hippocrates (the father of medicine) discovered that natural, undistilled apple cider vinegar is a powerful cleansing and healing elixir - a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs, bacteria, mold, and viruses - for a healthier, stronger, longer life. The best kind to use is organic, raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with the "mother" in it. You can find this at most health food stores. I recommend the Bragg's brand and their book, "Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System: Learn these Powerful Health Qualities for a Longer, Healthier, Youthful Life!" by Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg. They recommend mixing 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with some raw honey or raw agave nectar in 8 ounces of water upon rising every morning.


In your smoothies and/or cooking. It is a very healthy oil that has many benefits for your body, including assisting in weight loss. Two more excellent oils to use are EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and SESAME OIL.

4. Use as a sweetener RAW HONEY

(unheated, unfiltered, natural, unprocessed pollen-rich). Also, you can take honey-related powerfoods such as propolis, bee pollen, and royal jelly. Honey possesses miraculous nutritional and medicinal properties. However, I caution you not to take more than one or two teaspoons a day. Too much honey may adversely affect the pancreas, liver, and adrenals and contribute to sugar-metabolism disorders.

5. I would also recommend taking GTF CHROMIUM on a daily basis.

Most Americans are deficient in chromium, which is an essential co-factor of insulin and helps to control and regulate insulin in your body.

6. Start using HIMALAYAN KRYSTAL SALT in your diet

In moderation. Stop using table salt immediately. It contains only sodium chloride, can cause the body to retain water which can cause swelling, edema, and cellulite; and it often has additives such as aluminum hydroxide, sodiumferrocyanide, calcium phosphate, stearic acid, and others which can be toxic. When ingested, the body recognizes table salt as a poison and accumulates water in and around the cells to protect them from this invading substance. On the other handKrystal Salt contains all 72 mineral elements that the human body consists of in ideal proportions. All these minerals are in the perfect crystal matrix and ultimate ionic form (electrically charged). Krystal salt is the only antioxidant that works everywhere in the body. Once Krystal Salt is introduced into the body, a profound regeneration of the cell membranes becomes possible. If you would like more information on Himalayan Krystal Salt or Miracle Krystal Salt, simply do a Google search, find a producer of the salt, and order some. Then get rid of all table salt from your kitchen, diet, and life.

I trust that this information has been helpful to you. I strongly recommend that you incorporate these SIX SUPERFOODS into your daily diet.

God bless you, the Naked Nutrition Knight

6 Superfoods Revealed - Secret Keys to Good Nutrition & Eating Healthy That Your Body Needs

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Tuesday 11 October 2011

Should This SuperFood Be Part Of Your Day?

!±8± Should This SuperFood Be Part Of Your Day?

Did you know the Lignans have a wide range of biological properties that make them unique in promoting health
and combating various diseases.

Since their discovery in 1956, lignans have come under intense scientific scrutiny with numerous
studies suggesting they may prevent the development of breast, prostate, colon & other cancers.

Additional research has shown that they may prevent many types of coronary heart disease, diabetes
and promote many other benefits.

Flax seeds are by far the richest source of cancer-fighting plant lignans - Beth M. Ley Ph.D An early 1980's study found: "Cancer patients have LOWER levels of lignans than tumor-free controls" An Australian study (Lancet, 1997) suggested "substantial reduction in breast cancer risk among women with high intake of phytoestrogens, particularly lignans." Denmark-Wahnefried (2001) "men with prostrate issues may experience benefits as a study suggests favorable effect on prostate cancer biology" A Swedish study found decreased PSA after just 6 months A study at U Saskatchewan shows "73% reduction of plaque build-up in the arteries, and also a reduction of total and LDL cholesterol" Studies found "reduced development of Type II diabetes by 80% and Type I diabetes by 73%" Another Study shows the positive effects on bone mineral density and to protect against calcium loss Reported by Phytotherapy Research in 1995, "pretreatment with a Lignan-enriched extract was protective against physical exercise-induced muscle damage"

Flax in History

Flax has been cultivated for over 7,000 years for a multitude of purposes including wearing it, sleeping on/in it, wrapping mummies and its exceptional medicinal value.

The Egyptians used its fibre, the Greek physician Dioscorides extolled the flax seeds power for "reducing all inflammation inwardly and outwardly" and Hippocrates encouraged its used for relief of abdominal pains and diarrhea. Charlemagne passed laws requiring the population to consume flax seed "in order to maintain good health".

The ancients used flax seeds because they observed its positive medicinal impacts on the human body and modern science is catching up with validation on the immense potential of this plant. Today we understand a lot more about how whole plant nutrients interact with and are efficiently used by our bodies.

Unraveling the Secrets of Flax Hull Lignans And SDG

Flax is an oilseed that belongs to the genus Linum which contains over 100 annual and perennial species. Cultivated flax belongs to the species Linum usitatissimum (Latin "most useful or benefactor") of which there are 2 types, one grown for its oil and the other for fibre. The flax seed itself contains 27 different Lignans
(phytonutrients), the main one being secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG).

Flax hull lignans are found on the fibre hull of the flax seed and they are emerging as a true Superfood
(nutrient dense food product) that should be part of anyone's nutrient and fibre rich diet for
good reasons.

In fact, you would need 100 Tbsp of flax seeds to equal the lignan content of just 1 Tbsp of
NSP's Flax Hull Lignans. It's worth noting that flaxseed oil does not contain appreciable amounts of

Flax is higher than soy in isoflavone
and while soy can interfere with thyroid function, flax has no such problems.

Soya, rye, buckwheat, millet and barley seed yield just 2-6 micrograms of lignans per gram (mcg/g) while Flax seed
yields an amazing 800 mcg/g or 400 times more lignans!

Compelling health benefits for men and women:

As a potent antioxidant, it has been shown to enhance immune system functioning Healthy cholesterol maintenance and cardiovascular health Protection against muscle damage in athletes and physical labourers Reduce the effects of estrogen overload by restoring hormonal balance and promoting normal ovulation Overcome symptoms of menopause and a safe alternative to HRT with no risky side effects Cancer fighting and prevention properties Bone mineral density and protection against calcium loss Reduced development of Type II and retarded development of Type I Diabetes Long observed and prized for its ability to reduce inflammation, abdominal pain and diarrhea Beneficial to the digestive tract by adding bulk which in turns promotes daily regularity

Should This SuperFood Be Part Of Your Day?

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